Joanna Online Therapy
My Approach
I have put together, below, a general overview of the sorts of things I hold in mind as I work. I hope this aids you in getting a sense of me. You may also find the articles in my 'Blog' section helpful.
Therapy provides an opportunity for you to reflect on what is troubling you away from the usual distractions of everyday life.
As your therapist I aim to be alongside you as we explore your thoughts and feelings and how they play out in your relationships and sense of self. Over time we may uncover certain 'ways of being' that are contributing to your distress. As these come to light it generally becomes easier to notice them as they happen and, in turn, begin to start letting go of less helpful ones.
I aim to support you in identifying your inner resources so that we can draw on them to support you in feeling less overwhelmed.
It's important to recognise that being in therapy can, at times, feel challenging. This is normal and shows that you are engaged in the process. As your therapist my focus is on supporting you from a position of non-judgmental and compassionate curiosity.
I believe each client is unique and so I aim to tailor each therapy to suit you, the individual. I see therapy as a joint endeavour to which I bring my theoretical and clinical experience, and you bring your experience of being you.
If you would like to know more about the type of therapy I practise (Integrative Psychotherapy) please click here
If you can't find the information you're seeking on this website, please drop me a line. I welcome the opportunity to answer any queries directly.